網盛生意寶成立于1997年,創辦了中國化工網, 開啟了中國電子商務的發展之路; 2006年,成功登陸A股市場,股票代碼002095。上市后,公司專注于產業互聯網領域,經過近15年的探索與發展,打造了“行業網+聯盟”的B2B電商平臺生意寶、大宗商品數據平臺生意社、網盛 原材料交易中心及商城交易系統、原材料交易系統與供應鏈金融系統。 Founded in 1997, Netsheng Business Treasure founded China Chemical Network, which opened the road of e-commerce development in China; In 2006, the company successfully listed in the A-share market with stock code 002095.After listing, the company has focused on the industrial Internet field. After nearly 15 years of exploration and development , it has created the B2B e-commerce platform of "industry network + alliance" Businessbao, the bulk commodity data platform Businesssociety, the raw material trading center and mall trading system of Wangsheng, the raw material trading system and supply chain finance system....